Ascension Meditation Heals the Shadow

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Carl Jung

The energy involved in repressing all that we believe to be unworthy about ourselves is not just a one time expenditure, it continues for the rest of our lives, unconsciously running in the background, shaping and limiting the scope of life in numberless ways. Inside this shadow land are so often the most beautiful and unique aspects of ourselves. The regular experience of Samadhi ultimately ends those habits of repression, which increases our joy and vitality, and reunites us with so much of what had been hidden in the depths of the shadow. Why does the regular experience of Samadhi weaken and end those habits? Our deepest fears and our deepest pains are tiny waves compared to the ocean that is deep inner silence.

The inner Silence pulls everything into itself, and from its depths emerges Love, which heals all. If we could a give a form to that formless consciousness, we would call it love. Whenever a human being rests into Being, Love is around the corner. As Silence and Love are experienced with greater frequency, the inner walls fall down giving way to a Wholeness. Every fiber of our being longs for this wholeness. While it can seem a difficult or even fictional state, it is very real and very achievable, and it does not have to be difficult. It is our true homeostasis. It is our natural state of functioning.

Come and learn the Ascension meditation of the Ishayas and let the old worries fall away.